15 December 2007

Grey Kitten

Grey Kitten, originally uploaded by Weird_Aunt_Martha.

Who says we can't all get along?

Tell me why tell me why tell me why
Umm why can't we live together
Tell me why tell me
Umm why can't we live together
Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together

No more war no more war no more war
Umm just a little peace
No more war no more war all we want
Is some peace in this world

Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together

No matter no matter what color
Umm you are still my brother
I said no matter no matter what color
You are still my brother
Song sung by: Sade'

take a chance on me ??

take a chance on me ??, originally uploaded by cloud_nine.


Ophelia, originally uploaded by lornagrl.

14 December 2007

Cat on Black Take 3

Cat on Black Take 3, originally uploaded by peter_hasselbom.

A combination of the previous two cats on black sessions, i. e. two flashes, one straight in her face and one bounced in an umbrella overhead. I found this a great deal harder, because into the equation comes the question of balance between the two flashes. This takes some more tries.

Strobist note: SB 25 1/8 bounced in a white umbrella top right. SB 28 1/32 to the right of the cat.

Preto & Brancos [Black & Whites]

Preto & Brancos [Black & Whites], originally uploaded by Jim Skea.

From left to right, Yuki (Cross-eyed), Yami (Blackie) and Mizu (Big John) share one of their favourite spots - the top of one of our bookshelves.

13 December 2007


Toji, originally uploaded by fofurasfelinas.

He looks pretty confident here!


Donated for my blog by my colleague Panagiotis.

Sampson at the water cooler

Sampson at the water cooler, originally uploaded by suzalayne2003.

He is completely fascinated with the water cooler.

12 December 2007

Attention seeker

Attention seeker, originally uploaded by Silversprite.

Photo session ends when cat appears, wanting to get in on every picture.


Chester, originally uploaded by Fnoene.


IMG_3362, originally uploaded by mungo181.

Each face is a unique poetry

Each face is a unique poetry, originally uploaded by SezzRS.

Ventana con gato.2

Ventana con gato.2, originally uploaded by luis lainsa.

ventana con gato

ventana con gato, originally uploaded by luis lainsa.

barley roar

barley roar, originally uploaded by Freedom Foundry.


hypnotising, originally uploaded by Miss Loisy.


20071209-DSC08447, originally uploaded by pmac_in_seattle.


20071209-DSC08442, originally uploaded by pmac_in_seattle.

11 December 2007


IMG_1525.JPG, originally uploaded by adstream.


PICT0028, originally uploaded by Hey Paul.


PICT0041, originally uploaded by Hey Paul.


IMGP4525, originally uploaded by SmokingAham.


cat, originally uploaded by Dark Flashy.


Stanley, originally uploaded by Novelty12.

This is Stanley, one of my cats. he has grown up now and no longer looks like this, but I still love this photo.

not a dog (a cat) - bangkok



Uploaded on March 4, 07 by Johannes Eirikssonpro

Pablo the Cat

Pablo the Cat, originally uploaded by sputnik 57.


IMG_6969.jpg, originally uploaded by Laughing Easy.

10 December 2007


Cat, originally uploaded by Ava Babili.


Cat, originally uploaded by Ava Babili.

Just the sky and a cat

Just the sky and a cat, originally uploaded by yokviv.

Encore un ciel sans nuages aujourd'hui ..

Siam the Balinese cat

Siam the Balinese cat, originally uploaded by viroze.

A super playful cat and he's a great climber!

Cats of Greece

Cats of Greece, originally uploaded by Semmi.

... special breed

she gave me a look :)

09 December 2007


DSC_0592, originally uploaded by crowley213.


gatto, originally uploaded by henrjco.


ObieAsleep, originally uploaded by imaveggie4life.

This is not a black and white photo!

A black cat on white stairs,
Mykonos, Greece, 1988